Saturday, May 23, 2009

a poem

Long ago in a land far away, I used to write poetry.  I wrote one a couple of years ago and thought I should spend time with words in this way more often.  We in The Gap have been swamped by rain, 18 inches in less than 48 hours.  For many, not recovered from the last storm, this is disaster.  For us, it just meant water in a wall from a roof leak, not repaired well or overflowed we are not sure.  But there is water flowing everywhere.  The results....


coursing, surging




raging, pushing




cool, refreshing




flowing, lazy




Thursday, May 21, 2009

Defined by 3 M's

So, I had a bit of leftover lite cream and I wanted to see if it would whip. For cream to whip well there needs to be a certain amount of fat.   I need this information for the future so I won't buy this brand for whipping.   Mal found the bowl with sort of whipped cream and asked what is this.  I explained.  To which, my friend Erin replied, wow, you are everything.
and Mad Scientist.

I thought that about sums it up.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I have been reading

I know that I should be writing.  But I have been reading.  I am on the fourth book in the Ancient Practices Series.  I finished reading Sabbath by Dan B. Allender and am nearly finished with Fasting by Scot McKnight.  Mal is also reading the series.

The style of each book and author, I suppose is quite different.  We have found all these book to be a bit challenging.  There have been many opportunities for us to test out what we are being challenged about, in general, why are practices important to begin with and do they matter to our daily life.  I have to answer a resounding yes.

I have been trying to figure Sabbath out for some time and this book was a terrific resource to do just that.  As for Fasting, I have learned that I have not understood the purpose and motivation of fasting at all.  Fasting as presented by McKnight makes much better sense. 

Why do the practices make a difference?  Well, I live and work in a world that is constantly trying to distract me from my joy.  The more set I am in my practice the more difficult for the world to distract me from that the more complete and consistent is joy.