Monday, February 02, 2009

Travel is bad for my blog

When I travel, I don't take time to blog.  It is low on the priority list and catching up with people is high.  I was recently in Guam and had a few interesting experiences that I thought I would log here.  When I checked into the hotel, I was given a letter that explained that the cable TV would be experiencing outages while the company moved stuff.  I thought that is okay, I don't watch much TV.  Later that day, I finally paid the $10 US for one day (24 hours) of internet access to let Mal know I was there safe.  Then the next morning when I tried to connect to internet nothing happened.  I stopped at the front desk to say I didn't get 24 hours of access and the receptionist ask if I got the letter.  I asked what letter, she said the letter that explained that the cable was out.  I said, "Yes, I did and the internet runs through the cable, huh?" She affirmed that.  The letter did not mention internet.  Oh well, I should have known.

The next day, I got a letter from the hotel informing me that the next evening the city was shutting off the water overnight to repair a broken main down the street.  The letter also said the hotel would continue to operate on reserve water supply.  How many hotels have reserve water?  The outage was to be from 22pm to 4am.  Is 22pm a time?  2200 hours or 10 pm maybe?  
Of course, the outage began on time when did water return?  I don't know I left for work at 6:20am that is 0620 hours and there was no water then.  I was thankful, I had showered at a friends house the night before. 
Unlike other hotels in Guam, this hotel had a note that it cost $.75 to make a local phone call.  I thought no problem there are two pay phones next to the elevator in the lobby for $.25 .  I stopped on the way to make a local call, dialed the number then when instructed to insert a quarter, put a quarter into the slot.  The first phone would not take a quarter or any other currency for that matter.  The second phone just let the money go through the phone into the change slot.  So, I paid $.75 for local calls.  
I think there was a little earth quake on Saturday night at 7 pm. It had to be little but I was on the 11th floor.  
On Sunday morning there was a drunk in the parking lot, sitting on the ground with his head in the drivers seat of his car.  His windshield wipers were running but the car was not.  I tried to inform hotel security but they were suddenly no where to be found.  Most days, there were two or three of them hanging around.  
There were more Guam stories but I have forgotten.

On the flip side. The weather was wonderful.  I enjoy catching up with people and overall the work was good.  

I will not blog again for about 3 weeks as I am taking my Dad to the red center of Australia.  Will bring you photos. 

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