The other day I got lost in our new neighbourhood. This is common for me as I have a poor sense of direction. I found myself a bit emotional about being lost. This was not so common because Mal was driving. I was not in any risk, Mal knew where we were but I was still emotional. Like other people, I do not like being out of control. I like to know what is going on and where I am, however, in a new environment, I am vulnerable and being lost added to that and was the straw that broke the emotional camel's back.
There was just too much 'new' for me to take in and some of it pour out. There is still a lot new about this community. Many new names of 'new' people. Many new habits, styles, and context, all I seem to be able to deal with. But new places to find seems to tip me over. I am sure that much of this has to do with my poor sense of direction. I must repeat a path over and over in order to be comfortable on it. Add that to the fact that I never really enjoyed driving and the new place to go can be too much.
How thankful I am that Mal is willing to drive for these few weeks as I learn my way around. How thankful I am that there are many offers to pick me up and show me where things are. How thankful I am that I can have the privilege of being and learning something new.
How thankful I am that Mal is willing to drive for these few weeks as I learn my way around. How thankful I am that there are many offers to pick me up and show me where things are. How thankful I am that I can have the privilege of being and learning something new.