Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Why God won't let me take myself too seriously - Part 3

Well, Mal and I walked to church on Sunday.  It was a glorious morning.  After worship, we walked home.  We are maybe a kilometer from the church, following a bike/pedestrian walk that follows the creek.  

On the walk home, Mal and I are chatting and enjoying the time together, when suddenly, there was a sound a few feet behind me.  This noise I can best describe as a crunch of dry leaves.  At the sound of this unidentified, possibly life threatening noise, I instantly grabbed Mal's wrist, death grip, might be an appropriate description and I moved with lightening speed to a place in front of him where in the next instant, I would be able to thrust him between me and danger as some sort of human shield.  In that same instant, in my hyper awareness, I spotted the source of the unexpected noise.  You guessed it.  A bike.

Why, you ask is a cyclist not expected on a bike path?  Well, I can only imagine that I was so enthralled with the beauty of the day and time with my husband that I had no realization that the rest of the world was there.  Maybe not.  Anyway,  I started to howl with laughter.  Mal, then, asked if I would release his hand, he said something about blood needing to circulate.   I complied and continued to laugh.  

Later, when relating the story to my daughter and her husband, John asked, what kind of training have I had that would elicit such an immediate and perhaps, unthinkably, an important response.  Was it the military?  I don't think so.  I blame living on the ranch with my brothers who had nothing better to do than to scare (frighten silly, actually)  their sister at any opportunity.   I think now it is a response that would buy the precious time needed to decide, "Fly or Fight".

Mal and I grinned the rest of the day, as we recalled, how I was so willing to sacrifice him to protect me.  Funny, huh?

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