Wednesday, March 07, 2007


This morning my daughter Mia told me a story and gave me permission to blog it. It is a story of the radical ways in which God can speak to us. We often hear God as a "little voice in our heads" in our house. For Mia sometimes it is not such a little voice. She says it yells. Well, we think God has devised a method to speak to Mia more along the lines of 'burning bushes'. Yesterday, she was walking along considering the movie Van Helsing, she was wondering if really bad demons are running around the earth in human form. She also was wondering if God was sending angels in human form to fight these "bad guys". She thought then, "I wonder if God works like that". Just at that moment, a bird did it's thing and covered Mia's arm and foot. She immediately thought, "Oh, I guess that is not how it works" and looked up to see a young kookaburra on a branch above her. She quickly moved out of the way to avoid another surprise attack. As she related the story, she indicated that after this experience she had a great day. That somehow this was "Holy shit" and that God had responded to her, "He does not play the Hollywood game." She is sure that God listens to her thoughts and responds to her questions. For her the moral of the story - look up when you consider the Almighty God.


John said...

"look up when you consider the Almighty God"

... but wear goggles.

Erin Marie said...

I like seeing your blog updated more recently. I like what you have to say.

Linda said...

Thank you